Communities Recruiting Public Users

The following communities are actively recruiting members of the public (i.e. those who are not members of AHRI) provided they meet the community's eligibility criteria noted in the community description. Those interested in joining should sign into AHRI Connect.  Once logged into AHRI Connect, go to Communities>New Communities Recruiting AHRI Members and Guests and click the "Join Now" button. AHRI reserves the right to remove anyone from a community for failing to meet the community's eligibility requirements. Participation in the community does not ensure voting rights. If you do not have an AHRI Account, you can request one by going to AHRI Support and submitting a ticket under the "AHRI Connect" product/service option.

Communities Recruiting Public Users

AHRI 1430 Standard for Demand Response for Electric Water Heaters  

The AHRI 1430 Standard for Demand Response for Electric Water Heaters CSPC will work to create an ANSI Standard for Electric Water Heater application definitions; test requirements, operating and physical requirements, minimum data requirements for published ratings, marking and nameplate, and data and conformance conditions. The following are eligible to join the community: Heating Sector Members with Product Type(s) = Water Heaters; and invited guests from user groups (e.g. Electric Utilities, Construction and/or Home Builders, Property Management, Energy Efficiency, Contractors, and Installers). The self-join period for this group will end on 8/14/2020. Contact Jacob "Cobi" Waxman, for questions about this group.

Commercial Boiler Testing Workbook Working Group  

The Commercial Boiler Testing Workbook Working Group will develop a commercial boiler testing workbook to record measured test data and calculate efficiency metrics per the DOE test procedure. The following are eligible to join the community: AHRI Heating Sector members who manufacture commercial boilers; AHRI Heating Sector members with interest in commercial boilers; invited guests from CSA Group, Intertek, UL. Contact Tae Kwon,, for questions regarding this working group.

Commercial Water Heaters Workbook Working Group  

The Commercial Water Heaters Workbook Working Group will assist in creation and review of the AHRI Commercial Water Heater testing workbook to be used in all AHRI certification testing. The following are eligible to join the community: AHRI Heating Sector members who manufacture water heaters; AHRI Heating Sector members with interest in water heaters; invited guests from CSA Group and Intertek. Contact Cobi Waxman,, for questions regarding this working group.

CSPC 410

This standard project was initiated on April 20, 2009 by approval from Air-Conditioning and Heat Transfer Products Section. The committee will continue work under the AHRI standards development process that was in place when the work started. Moving forward Air-Conditioning and Heat Transfer Products Section will be renamed as CSPC 410. Contact Bill McQuade, for questions regarding this CSPC.

CSPC 610/611  

The AHRI Consensus Standards Project Committee 610/611 (CSPC 610/611) will review the content of the document for applicability to the industry’s current needs. The CSPC will decide whether to reaffirm the document, open a revision project, or to withdraw the document. Contact Vincent Hwang, for questions about this CSPC.

CSPC 620/621  

The AHRI Consensus Standards Project Committee 620/621 (CSPC 620/621) will review the content of the document for applicability to the industry’s current needs. The CSPC will decide whether to reaffirm the document, open a revision project, or to withdraw the document. Contact Vincent Hwang, for questions about this CSPC.

CSPC 850/851  

The AHRI Consensus Standards Project Committee 850/851 (CSPC 850/851) will review the content of the document for applicability to the industry’s current needs. The CSPC will decide whether to reaffirm the document, open a revision project, or to withdraw the document. Contact Vincent Hwang, for questions about this CSPC.

Working Group 885  

This standard was started in April 2018 where the Section voted to form a working group to review or revise AHRI standard 885 with Addendum 1. This Standard includes sound levels from most but not all components in the air distribution system. The methods described in this Standard can be used to identify acoustically critical paths in the system design. Moving Forward this EC will be renamed as Working Group 885. AHRI members and designated employees of AHRI member companies are eligible to join. Other non-member stakeholders may participate as non-voting observers.Contact Akshaya Sridhar, for questions regarding this group.